Frequently Asked Question

Onclick Setup UNDIPConnect & Eduroam di Windows 7, 8, 10
Last Updated 6 years ago

Petunjuk penggunaan :
1. Download file di link attachment
2. Ekstrak file
3. copy semua file di direktori c:\ (File : restore.bat, Eduroam.xml dan UNDIPConnect.xml)
4. jalankan file restore.bat dengan klik kanan file tersebut kemudian run as Administrator
5. klik SSID UNDIPConnect atau Eduroam dan masukkan username dan password akun sso anda
6. UNDIPConnect atau Eduroam terhubung
7. selesai

English version:
Instructions for use :
1. Download the file in the link attachment
2. Extract file
3. copy all files in the c: \ directory (File : restore.bat, Eduroam.xml and UNDIPConnect.xml)
4. Run the file restore.bat by right-clicking the file then run as Administrator
5. Click UNDIPConnect or Eduroam SSID and enter your sso account username and password
6. UNDIPConnect or Eduroam is connected
7. done

........Silahkan mencoba.......
create for UNDIPConnect -Eduroam by Gerry Bram

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